Read the full client case study and Dr Bec Jenkinson's review of the software here
The University of Queensland selected an Engagement Hub platform to conduct their research in the RADIANT study. The RADIANT study is part of the Body Positive Birth program of research, which aims to address weight stigma in maternity care.
This video showcases how the research team used their Engagement Hub platform to:
- Create private groups that could then share ideas/media, take part in polls, RSVP to focus groups and answer questions
- Email users directly as individuals, groups, or as a whole
- Create a public platform to share the objectives of the research and presentations, news stories, and relevant links
- Use the stakeholder relationship management system with varying levels of permission levels to allow the research team access to the data
- Get insights from the in-depth reporting, download reports, charts, and graphs - allowing the researchers to track reach, level of engagement, most active stakeholders and much more!
The platform enabled the researchers to extend their reach, increase the number of respondents (especially across remote/rural Australia), create 24/7 access, and generate an ongoing community space for the participants.
The State Government in Tasmania is currently consulting on a Drought Readiness project across the state and is using its Engagement Hub platform for both private and public consultations.
This quick video showcases the range of tools employed by Drought Ready Tasmania such as home page themes, branding tools, video banners, flipboxes, factboxes, visual quick polls, timelines plus all the customisation options.
The City of Parramatta regularly uses their Engagement Hub platform to consult and engage with their community. They recently upgraded to Engagement Hub from another provider, transferring over 200 projects and all their stakeholders. Since then, they have seen a large increase in their engagement levels.
This quick video showcases several of their current consultation projects and how they use the project, site and design tools to create each project, create a strong branded identity and to organise their large range of 'open for consultation' projects.
This great project by the City of Swan showcases a variety of project tools in use such as the Image Slider, Project Banner, Flipbox, Factboxes, Who’s Listening, Related Projects, Document Library, Timeline etc. This is a great example of how to use multiple tools to display information in a visual and engaging way on your Engagement Hub platform.
New South Wales Health in conjunction with local primary care providers and the NSW Rural Doctors Network use Engagement Hub to consult on the challenges of delivering healthcare across rural and remote NSW.
Their Engagement Hub platform is a great example of using a variety of tools to display information such as:
- Additional menu pages (e.g. About)
- Using fact boxes with icons to share results of recent consultations
- Using a sidebar flipbox to highlight a link to important health information
- Tabbed content displaying the latest news and results of their community engagement
The City of Swan is a local government in Western Australia. They regularly engage with their community on multiple projects. This video showcases how they organise their projects using several top-level category projects:
- Major Projects & Consultations
- Local Area Planning
- Road and Pedestrian Access Way Closures
- Planning Consultations
These overarching projects list out all the current consultations in these four areas providing their community a clear way to navigate to what is currently open for consultation.
This is just one way you could structure your projects and homepage using Engagement Hub. Visit the City of Cumberland ( or the City of Parramatta ( to see how they use the homepage category and location search to help their community search for relevant projects.
Engagement Hub has built-in accessibility with over 100 languages and is WCAG 2.1 AA compliant. However, there are also lots of extra ways to increase accessibility across your Engagement Hub platform.
Here we feature the Participate Parramatta site and show the following ways they use the Engagement Hub tools to increase accessibility further:
- Userway plugin (add-on)
- Enabling the language translator on every project as well as in the top menu bar
- The tabbed content tool used to display the same information in 5 languages, standard on every project page
- Above footer content – creation of a banner to highlight TIS (translation and interpreter service)
Finally, the video discussed the importance of 2FA (two-factor authentication) of users and how Engagement Hub allows SSO (single sign-on) from Azure, Facebook, Twitter/X and Google for ease of use.
Using banners on your engagement platform is a great way to brand and visually display information. Situated at the top of the page, full-width, this is prime real estate!
See examples from our clients of how they use site banners on their home page and project-specific banners for individual projects. Learn about how you can use video or multiple images and the various design options you can utilise.
We have also created a playlist on our Youtube channel containing 40 stock video banners which our clients can use for video backgrounds plus a handy video guide on how to create a video banner using a YouTube video. See the playlist here.
See our flip box tools in action on several of our client sites and see examples of what types of information these can be used to display:
Examples shown in the video:
- Frequently asked questions or a question
- Speakers at an event
- Links to important information
Understand the different design and movement options and how important this is for your project page design.
See our fact box tool in action on several of our client sites. Learn more about how you can design your factboxes, use icons and some great examples of the range of information that can be displayed on them.
For example:
- Statistics
- Quotes
- Community feedback results
- Links to strategies, plans or further information
- Calls to action - what action do you need someone to take
This versatile tool helps you bring the information to life on your project page.